SlR,—Nothing could exceed the excitement which was produced in this neighbourhood when it was ascertained that a most determined and cold-blooded attempt had been made to assassinate her most gracious Majesty and her Royal Consort; and nothing could surpass the joy and gratitude which were awakened when it was learned that the diabolical effort had signally and completely failed. These emotions; the writer is assured, pervade the empire. The amiable feeling which our Queen has uniformly displayed, her anxiety to maintain the rights of all classes of her subjects, and the circumstances especially under which she is now placed, have inspired in her favour the most generous and devoted attachment of her people, so that a thrill of joy was felt by every heart when the tidings were communicated that the life of Victoria was shielded by a gracious Providence, and that she did not fall by the hand of a ruthless assassin. No individuals, however, Mr. Editor, have realised higher or more grateful joy than Protestant Dissenters. They know that Queen Victoria is their sincere friend, and the friend of universal liberty of conscience; and, therefore, they could not but exult when they heard of her wonderful deliverance, and one emotion of devout thanksgiving and delight burst from their hearts as they exclaimed, "God save the Queen"— "Long live the Queen." Protestant Dissenters of every denomination, let us publicly and most feelingly acknowledge how grateful we all are to that kind Providence who has watched over and spared to us our patriotic Queen. Let us remember her and her exalted Consort more affectionately and fervently than ever at the domestic altar; and let us pray that they may long preside over a religious and devoted community. Let us, also, without delay, transmit addresses of devout congratulation, in consequence of the signal interposition of Divine Providence, not only in favour of Victoria and Albert, but even of truth, liberty, and conscience, at the present eventful crisis. 

     Protestant Dissenters, you cannot pray too earnestly, "Lord watch over the life of our Queen, and let her for many years be spared to us!". She is the friend of all; and, as Dissenters, we cannot be too thankful that she still sways the sceptre of equity and benignity over us. 

I remain, Sir, yours truly,
T. W.

Petersfield, , Hants, June 12, 1840.