Yesterday the marriage of the Hon. Miss Byng, eldest daughter of Viscount Enfield, and granddaughter of the Earl of Strafford, G.C.B., G.C.H., with Captain Hedworth Hylton Jolliffe, M.P. for Wells, Somerset, eldest son of Sir William George Hylton Jolliffe, Bart., M.P. for Petersfield, joint Secretary to the Treasury, was solemnised in the presence of a most distinguished assemblage of the aristocracy at the parish church of St. James’s, Piccadilly. The body of the church, as well as the galleries, was crowded by ladies, many of whom belonged to aristocratic families, who were anxious to witness the marriage ceremony. At half-past eleven the bridegroom arrived, followed shortly after by the Hon. Miss Byng, who was accompanied by her noble father and mother, the Viscount and Viscountess Enfield, when the bridal party soon after proceeded from the vestry room to the communion table, the bride carrying in her hand a magnificent bouquet of hot-house flowers.
The bride was attired in a superb dress of white silk, trimmed with Honiton lace. Her headdress consisted of a wreath of white roses, white lilies, orange and jessamine flowers, and a square veil of Brussels lace. The bride and bridegroom with their friends having taken up their position in front of the communion table, the marriage ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Byng, brother of the bride, assisted by another clergyman, the bride being given away by her noble father, Viscount Enfield.
The bridesmaids were dressed in white silk, with white cashmere cloaks, trimmed with pink plush, and white silk bonnets, with small red roses, each carrying in her hand a splendid bouquet of hothouse flowers.
At the termination of the marriage ceremony the newly-married couple and their noble friends repaired to the vestry room, where the marriage was duly attested in the presence of Lady Caroline Stirling, the Misses Stirling, Hon. Miss Paget, Col. and Mrs. Howard Vyse, Major Cartwright, Lady Torrington, Colonel Frederick and Mrs. Paget, Sir Wm, and Lady Jolliffe, Viscount and Viscountess Enfield, Hon. Mrs. and Mr. Chichester, Hon. Frederick Byng, Hon. George H. Charles Byng, M.P., besides many others of the nobility and gentry; after which the happy pair went to Viscount and Viscountess Enfield's, St. James’s-square. where a grand dejeuner was given. In the afternoon the newly-married couple, after receiving the congratulations of their friends, left town for Tillgate House, Crawley, Sussex, the seat of Captain H. H. Jolliffe. The presents on the occasion were very numerous, and of a costly description. The trousseau was very beautiful.
Ancestry shows the marriage between Agnes Mary Georgiana Byng and Hedworth Hylton Jolliffe