At the Gas-Company’s meeting, held at the Townhall on Thursdey last (Mr. H. Nichols in the chair), William Peskett, Esq., being nominated as one of the inspectors, declined taking the office. It was then proposed by Mr. Calvert and seconded by the Rev. William Isaac, that Henry Atkinson, Esq., should take the office, which this gentleman also declined. Ultimately Mr. Etherington accepted the office, having been proposed by Mr. Duplock, and seconded by Mr. Harffey. The question of the amount of money requisite for the ensuing year was then discussed. The secretary, Mr. Calvert, said that he thought £50 would suffice. Mr. Duplock observed that the town could not be properly lighted for that sum; he had made a calculation of the cost last year by fixing a metre to one of the lamps, and as there was no gas rate for last year, the subscription amounted to £40. The town was badly lighted, and the costs were £43. He then showed that if the town was property lighted, £10 being allowed for lamps, &c., in repair, that £63 would be a fair sum, but as he did not come forward out of opposition to the meeting, he would agree to £50. After a few observations from Mr. Albery, the motion was carried. It was also agreed that the inspector should take care that the fire engines were kept in proper repair and fit for use, as they have been neglected. After a vote of thanks to the chairman the meeting then broke up.