PETERSFIELD.]—PUBLIC LIBRARY AND READING ROOM.—On Tuesday evening, the annual meeting of the subscribers of this invaluable Institution, was held at the room, in the High-street. The Rev. Thomas Floud, Curate of Steep, presided on the occasion. We are extremely sorry to state that, from unforeseen circumstances, the Institution is in anything but a flourishing state, in consequence of labouring under a debt of about £15, and in order to liquidate this amount, a resolution was proposed and carried,  that all the members’ yearly subscriptions, commencing on the 1st of October, should cease, and re-commence with the present year; and all members should pay one year in advance, from the 1st of January, 1860. We trust that this resolution will be well responded to, for this Society has been the means of accomplishing much good in the town and neighbourhood for nearly the past twenty years. The Treasurer, Mr. Alfred Dusautoy, will be most happy to receive donations from any individual who would kindly come forward to prevent the Institution going to decay.