WE, the Undersigned, two of the Trustees acting under and by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, ‟An Act to continue the term and alter and enlarge the powers of two Acts of Parliament for Repairing the Roads from Sheet Bridge to Portsmouth, and from Petersfield to the Alton Turnpike-road, near Ropley, in the county of Southampton,” do hereby Give Notice, that a MEETING of the TRUSTEES of the said Turnpike-road will be holden on Monday, the Nineteenth day of December instant, at Eleven o’clock in the Forenoon, at the Office of Mr. Mitchell, the Clerk to the said Trustees, in the Square, Petersfield, for the purpose of appointing a Collector of the Tolls at the Sheet Bridge Turnpike Gate, in the room of Charlotte Heath, deceased, and of transacting other business relating to the said Trust.
As witness our hands, this First day of December, 1859.
(See also 19-Nov-1859)