CRICKET. —On the good old principle of its being ‟better late than never,” the preliminary meeting of our cricket club was held on Wednesday last, at the office of the treasurer, Thomas Johnson, Esq. The president, the Hon. Geo. Ponsonby, having taken the chair, the accounts for the past year were examined and passed as being correct. From these we gather that the balance in the hands of Mr. Johnson from last year is £1 10s. 3d.; this sum, with the subscription for the present year, will enable us to take the field with as much spirit and zest as ever. The ground is in admirable order, and, with the increase of beauty in its surrounding scenery which it can now offer, will, doubtless, be considered as possessing an additional source of attraction. The intention of the resident members is appoint Tuesday each week as practice day, and there appears more zeal in the cause and a determination to have an extra match or two this season, we hope the exertions of each member will be redoubled to get fresh subscribers, which will enable us to get more playing members and thereby increase the strength of the club. We are authorized to say we shall be pleased to meet in a friendly game our neighbours of Chichester, Petworth, and Petersfield. Our annual match with Shillinglee we look forward to, as a matter of course.