The whole of the available troops in Portsmouth garrison, comprising the 1st battalion Rifle Brigade and the 1st Stafford, East Kent, and Bedfordshire Militias, will march, out at an early hour this morning, and take up positions to defend the approaches to the town from the supposed advance of an enemy. The 1st battalion Rifle Brigade and the Bedfordshire Militia will proceed to the foot of Portsdown Downs, where the main body will halt, and throw out pickets and vedettes to command the country from the approach by Southwick on the left, and as far as the first road leading down towards Waterloo, on the right of the Petersfield-road, under the command of Lord A. Russell, commanding Rifle Brigade. The East Kent Militia will take up a position in advance of the village of Milton. The Stafford Militia will take up a position in the rear of the western end of the new lines at Hilsea, and send out a strong picket to Cosham, with patrols on the roads to Porchester and Havant. The mounted batteries from Hilsea will take up positions on the summit of Portsdown-hill, and act in conjunction with the force under Lord A. Russell. Major- General Sir James Yorke Scarlett, K.C.B., will command, the troops on the occasion.