Mr. Leslie gave his promised musical treat at the Assembly-room, Dolphin Hotel, on Friday evening, the 16th inst., upon that beautiful little instrument, the flutonia, made and improved upon by himself, from the original invention. He was accompanied by Mr. Charge upon his ‟musical novelty,” his own construction, containing twenty-two instruments; also by Mr. Charles Marshall, upon the German and octave flutes. We congratulate Mr. Leslie upon his great taste, skill, and the science he displayed; his touch spoke for itself, and it is needless to say more. We also congratulate Mr. Charge upon the extent to which he has mastered his ‟musical novelty” with the combination of musical sound, which he can produce with ease when required. If we passed over Mr. Marshall, without saying how much the little octave delighted us, we should be doing injustice to ourselves. Mr. Emsley did full credit to his acquired fame in the songs he gave. Nothing could have passed off better than this musical meeting, under the circumstances in which they came together, as strangers, almost at the last moment of meeting, they did their duty successfully, and were highly applauded by the assembled party, whose unmistakeable delight was continuously expressed. We knew Petersfield! or we should certainly have been surprised at seeing the audience in attendance upon real talent, so small, but at any rate it was select, and respectable!!  Lovers of music might have availed themselves of a rich treat, and we say with confidence, from the satisfaction to those who attended, that should ever Mr. Leslie again visit our town, that we should not have to express surprise at the assembly not being more numerous.