ALL Persons having any claims on the Estate of the late Mr. DAVID TODMAN of Petersfield, are requested to forward their accounts to Mr. John Todman at their earliest convenience.
And all Persons indebted to the deceased, are requested to pay the same within one month, to Mr. Todman, who has succeeded to the business of his late father, or to Mr. W. Minchin of Petersfield, or Mr. Richard Green, of Ramsdean, Executors, under the will of the deceased.
N.B.—The accounts on the Estate closed on the 6th of April last.
PETERSFIELD, Sept, 10, 1846.
JOHN TODMAN, College Street, Petersfield, respectfully informs the Gentry and friends of his late father, that he has succeeded to the business carried on by him for nearly fifty years, as Whitesmith, Bell-hanger, &c. in all its branches, and trusts that by attention to business and moderate charges, to secure the support of all those friends who patronised his deceased father.
N.R.—All kinds of Stoves, Grates, and Kitchen Ranges, with back boilers, manufactured to order on the premises; also Smiths' work performed by experienced workmen.