NOTICE is hereby given,—That on the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, Application will be made to Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace assembled at the Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Southampton, at the Castle of Winchester, in the said County, for STOPPING UP and DIVERTING a certain part of a certain PUBLIC FOOT PATH or HIGHWAY, in the Parish of Petersfield, in the said County, commencing at and leading from a certain Street or Highway lately called The Widow’s Row, and now called The Hylton Road, at a point marked with the letter A in the Plan thereof, and terminating at the Churchyard of the said Parish, marked with the letter B in the said Plan; and which said part of the said Foot Path or Highway, from the said letter A to the said letter B, so intended to be stopped and diverted, proceeds from thence, through the said Church-yard, to a certain Street or Highway in the said Parish called the New Way, at a point there marked with the letter E in the said Plan, particularly described in the said Plan, and is not intended to be stopped up and diverted. And for substituting in lieu of so much of the said Public Foot Path or Highway from A to B, so intended to be stopped and diverted as aforesaid, a certain new Public Foot Path or Highway in the said Parish of Petersfield, commencing at and leading from the said Street or Highway called The Hylton Road, along certain Land of Sir William George Hylton Jolliffe, Baronet, called The Lawn, adjoining the ground and premises of the National School on the West, and the said Lawn, and the new County Police Station and Premises, on the East, to and terminating in the said Street or Highway called The New Way, at a point there marked with the letter E in the said Plan, and which said proposed new Public Foot Path is coloured red, and marked with the letters C and D. And take notice, that the Certificate of two Justices having viewed the same, with the Plan of the old and proposed new Foot Path or Highway, will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County on or before the third day of March next. 

     Dated this fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. 

Surveyor of the Highways of the said
Parish of Petersfield.