On Tuesday between eleven and twelve hundred persons assembled at Finchdean to hear the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon preach on Mr. Canning's lawn. A large number went up from Portsmouth and its neighbourhood, and from the station at Petersfield no less than 150 took the train on their way to the lawn. The preacher was listened to with great attention, and between £23 and £24 collected.
Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 16 July 1859
REV. C. H. SPURGEON AT FINCHDEAN.—This gentleman having been advertised to preach on Mr. Canning’s lawn on Tuesday last, the railway authorities made special arrangements for the occasion by issuing cheap tickets for Rowland’s Castle and back, of which a large number of persons from this town and neighbourhood availed themselves. We understand the afternoon congregation amounted to nearly 800, and that in the evening to about 1000. The collection in aid of the ‟Tabernacle” fund realised about 20l.
Reverend Charles Haddon Spurgeon b. 19-Jun-1834, d. 31-Jan-1892