The next borough on the list was Petersfield.

    Colonel JOLLIFFE proposed, that as Petersfield was part of the parish of Beriton, and as the parish of Beriton contained more than 2000 inhabitants, the elected franchise of the borough of Petersfield should be thrown into the parish of Beriton, and it should be suffered to return one member. He could assure the noble lord, that if he acceded to that proposition, he would deprive the presence patron of all power over the borough.

    Lord J RUSSELL could not assent to such a proposition.

    Sir W JOLLIFFE thought the proposition of his hon. friend a perfectly fair one. At the same time, he made no complaint against the Government for the course which they had recommended with regard to this borough, as the documents before them were calculated to mislead them. The hon baronet proceeded to make a long statement regarding this borough, but it was inaudible in the gallery.

    Mr GOULBURN urged that the borough had a fair right to be placed in the schedule B, as it was most unjust that the inhabitants should suffer from the mistakes which had been made by their mayor in the returns of the population.

    Mr CARTER stated that the freeholders of the adjacent tithings who had claimed a right of voting in 1820, found that their votes were disallowed by an election committee.

    The question "that Petersfield stand part of schedule A" was then again put and carried without a division.