PATRIOTIC FUND.—A Public Meeting convened by the Mayor, (R. S. Cross, Esq.), was held at the Town Hall yesterday (Friday), to make arrangements for raising a subscription in aid of the Patriotic Fund. The Mayor presided, and having opened the proceedings with a suitable speech, 

     J. Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P., moved the first resolution—‟That the cause of the Widows and Orphans of our Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, who may lose their lives whilst serving in the just and honorable war in which this country is now engaged, commends itself to our best sympathies, and is deserving of our warmest support.”—In moving the above resolution, Mr. Bonham Carter took occasion to allude in a very feeling manner to the absence of Sir William Jolliffe and its cause, as awakening their deepest sympathy and affording an argument more powerful than any elequence to enlist the feelings of the surrounding neighbourhood on the subject of the meeting, bringing home to them more closely than any description the sad realty of those trials which they desired to alleviate. The Rev. J. M. Summer seconded the resolution.

     The Rev. W. Isaac moved the second resolution—‟that a Committee be formed for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund, consisting of the following gentlemen, with power to add to their number—viz. :— Mr. R. S. Cross, Mr. Lacy, and the Rev. W. Isaac, for Petersfield and Sheet; Mr. Minty for Eastmeon; Mr. G. W. Seward for Buriton; Mr. G. Minchin for Froxfield and Steep; and Mr. Coryton for Liss.” Mr. Parsons seconded the resolution, and, in doing so, took occasion to express a wish that the Fund might be made available for the relief of the widows and orphans of those who had shed their blood in other recent wars (the Burmese, for instance), as well as in the present war with Russia.

     The Rev. W. Sealy moved the third resolution—‟That Mr. Lacy be appointed Treasurer of the Fund, and that a meeting be held at the same place and hour on Friday, the 24th inst., for the purpose of ascertaining the amount received, and remitting the same to the Royal Commissioners.” Seconded by R.G.P. Minty, Esq.

     On the motion of the Rev. J. Williams, seconded by. Mr. Elkington, thanks were voted to the Mayor, for calling the meeting, and also for his able conduct in the chair.

     The Mayor, in acknowledging the compliment, said, he felt that in calling the meeting he had only done his duty, and that it would have been a matter of self-reproach to him if, owing to any remissness on his part, any poor widow had received one farthing less than she might otherwise have done.

     On, the suggestion of G. E. Coryton, Esq., the subscription list was opened at once, and several sums were subscribed In the room.