PENALTIES.—The Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes hereby give Notice, that every person taking, killing, or pursuing game without first obtaining a Certificate, incurs a penalty of £20 and is also liable to be surcharged in double the amount of the Certificate Duty.
Any person in pursuit of Game refusing on being duly required to produce his Certificate, or to permit the same to be read, or a copy thereof to be taken, or refusing to declare his true name and place of residence, also incurs a penalty of £20.
Gamekeepers are desired to take notice that a certificate at the rate of £1 7s. 6d. will not authorise any person to kill Game beyond the limits of the Manor for which he is deputed; and, in order that a Certificate at such rate of Duty may protect a Gamekeeper, it is requisite, not only that he should be deputed by some Lord or Lady of a Manor, or reputed Manor, but also that such deputation should be registered with the Clerk of the Peace, or the Gamekeeper will be liable to be surcharged in double the Duty of £4 0s. 10d. and also to be prosecuted by any common informer for the penalty of £20.
N.B. It is the intention of the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes to publish in a separate List the names and residences of all persons surcharged in double Duty for sporting without Certificates.