Petersfield Agricultural Society.
At the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers to the above Society, held at the Dolphin Inn, in Petersfield, on Tuesday the 13th day of August, 1822, the Resolution of the Managing Committee on the 19th of June, stating that from the little prospect of relief from the Government, either as regarded the Agricultural Interest or those of other Classes of Society, it should be submitted to the Members at their next Annual Meeting, to take into consideration, whether, under such circumstances, it would be worth while any longer to continue their exertions; and such recommendation having been read, it was unanimously resolved,—
“That, under the present existing taxation and other burthens, pressing as they do more heavily on the Landed Interest than on any other class of society, and it being stated by the Ministers that over production was the cause of such depression; and it being the opinion of the Meeting, that as such over production must have been partly occasioned by the great improvement in all branches of agriculture, any longer continuance of societies of this description would rather tend to increase than lessen the evil; and, therefore, it was resolved, that this Society should be discontinued :— but it was recommended that a Club should be formed of such members who were present, and others who choose to belong to it, in order to confer with similar societies in other parts of the country, for the purpose of endeavouring to ameliorate the condition on the Agricultural Interest; and that the first Meeting of such Club be held at the Dolphin Inn, in Petersfield, on Tuesday the 22d day of October next, at one o’clock in the afternoon.”