Agent—Mr. G. Duplock

     CHRISTMAS SHOW MARKET.—This market, which was held on Wednesday last, fully sustained the high character which it has for many years enjoyed. It was not marked by any one or more animals fattened up to monstrosities, and standing out conspicuously, but the whole supply was good. Trade commenced briskly in the morning, and kept up till nearly all were sold. First quality beasts realised high prices. Three out of Mr. Seward’s choice lot fetched 127l.; two of these were bought by Mr. Colebrooke, of this town. A lot of 12 very superior Hereford oxen, belonging to Mr. John Ring, were purchased by Messrs. Franklin, of Titchfield and Wickham. Mr. C. Chase, of Bowyers, exhibited some very excellent beasts, among which were two beautiful heifers and one remarkably handsome steer. Mr. E. Chalcraft had a lot of 30, most of which were very fine; ten of these were purchased by Mr. Stubbs, of Alresford, and six by Mr. Aylwin, of Farnham. Mr. Coryton had eight remarkably large oxen, all of which were sold. Mr. H. Boys exhibited a very superior lot of Devons. Mr. H. Chase’s Welsh runts were also very good, and there were a few choice Scotch runts belonging to Lady Fetherston. There was also an excellent supply of capital mutton. Although the market happened to fall on one of the great Smithfield days, there was a large attendance of buyers, their experience in past years having doubtless taught them that they were sure to find a good supply of a good article at this first-class market.