SHOW MARKET.—Our Christmas Show market was held on Wednesday, when there was a very excellent exhibition of beasts. It was the opinion of competent judges that it was one of the best ‟shows” our town has produced for years. The fineness of the day also added to the market many visitors, so that we were reminded of Baker-street on a small scale. We felt much satisfied ourselves with regard to a good supply of that famous Christmas fare, ‟roast beef,” upon viewing the splendid animals that studded the Market-square, and more particularly so as some of the best beasts were bought by our town butchers. Mr. Seward had a fine herd (twenty-six in number) of Devons. Lady Fetherstanaugh also showed some fine animals. Fine beasts were also exhibited by Messrs. Chase, Ring, E. Chalcroft, Boys, and Coryton, of Liss. There was a brisk demand at good prices.