Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.
GAS COMPANY.—The annual meeting of the shareholders of this company was held at the Town Hall, on Monday last, H. Lacy, Esq.. in the chair. The secretary (R. G. P. Minty, Esq.) read the financial statement & also the report of the directors, both of which were received and adopted. A dividend of 5 per cent, was declared, and a gratuity of 5l. was unanimously voted to the secretary for his extra services during the past year. The Right Hon. W. G. H. Jolliffe, Bart, M.P., and R. Parsons Esq., retired from the board of directors by rotation and were re-elected; Mr. Small was elected director in the place of Dr. H. Peskett, who has left the town; and Mr. Dusautoy was re-appointed auditor for the ensuing year. The works are being considerably enlarged, and the main has been carried to the railway station. Thanks having been voted to the directors, and also to the chairman, the meeting separated.