PETERSFIELD.]—PETERSFIELD GAS, COKE, AND OIL COMPANY.—The Directors and Shareholders of this Company held their eighth annual meeting in the Town Hall, on Monday evening last, and, from the report presented, a dividend of 5 per cent. was declared for the past year, payable at the London and County Bank. In consequence of the great demand for gas, the Directors have thought it advisable to enlarge their works to meet the increasing consumption. The street mains have been lengthened with an additional length of 800 feet of piping. Also eight additional gas lamps have been placed in different parts of the town. The Railway Company are desirous also to have a supply of gas for forty-six burners, as early as possible; and to put the managers in a proper position, they are anxious to dispose of a certain number of untaken shares, to carry out their intentions.