THE ANNUAL SHOW will take place in the National School Rooms, on Friday, the 9th day of September inst. The doors will be open at half-past one o’clock, p.m.

Admittance to Non-susbcribers sixpence each.

A Band will be in attendance

Portsmouth Times & Naval Gazette - Saturday 03 September 1859

     PETERSFIELD HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.—This society will hold its annual meeting at the National Schoolrooms, on Friday, the 9th inst., when the show of vegetables, &c., is expected to be equal, if not superior, to any exhibition of the kind hitherto held.

Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 03 September 1859

Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     HORTICULTURAL SHOW. —It will be seen by advertisement that this annual exhibition is fixed for Friday next, when we hope to see a spirited competition among the cottagers of the district for the several prizes offered by the Committee.