Southampton, Petersfield, and London Direct Railway.
AT a numerous and influential Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Petersfield and the immediate neighbourhood, held at the Town-hall at Petersfield, on Wednesday, the 5th day of November, 1845, convened by the Mayor, on a requisition signed by a considerable number of respectable inhabitants of the said Borough and its vicinity, to consider the propriety of supporting the proposed "Southampton, Petersfield, and London Direct Railway,"—
JOHN RING, Esq. the Mayor, in the Chair.
It was proposed by Henry Lacy, esq. of Petersfield; seconded by Joseph Legg Postlethwaite, esq. of Northend Cottage, Harting, and unanimously resolved—
"That is the decided opinion of this Meeting, that the proposed line of Railway to connect this town and neighbourhood with the important town and port of Southampton, will be highly advantageous to the Borough of Petersfield and its neighbourhood, by affording a direct communication with a large and increasing population, to whom the agricultural produce over the valley of Petersfield and the adjoining country will be of considerable advantage."
It was proposed by Fielder King, esq. of Buriton; seconded by George Edward Coryton, esq. of Place house, Liss, and unanimously resolved—
"That besides the advantages which would, in the opinion of this meeting, necessarily follow the connexion of the two towns, this meeting is also of opinion that the proposed line of Railway will materially assist a direct line of railway between this neighbourhood and the markets of Smithfield and Mark-lane, and the City of London."
It was proposed by Thomas Cooke, esq. of Floud house, Froxfield; seconded by Samuel Seward, of Weston, and unanimously resolved—
"That petitions be presented to both Houses of Parliament, from the inhabitants of this borough and neighbourhood, to testify their approval of the proposed line, and to pray that it may have the sanction of the Legislature."
It was proposed by Henry Holdaway, esq. of Petersfield; seconded by James Light, esq. of the Rushes, near Petersfield, and unanimously resolved—
"That the members for this borough, and for the northern division of the county of Southampton, be requested to support the prayer of the petition to the House of Commons."
The Mayor having left the Chair.
It was proposed by Joseph Lobb, esq.; seconded by Joseph Hill, esq. and carried by acclamation—
"That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Mayor, for his able conduct in the Chair."
Petersfield, 5th November, 1845.
Sun (London) - Saturday 8 November 1845
SOUTHAMPTON, PETERSFIELD, AND LONDON DIRECT RAILWAY.—A numerous and influential public meeting of the inhabitants of Petersfield was held in that borough on Wednesday last, John Ring, the mayor, in the chair, to consider the propriety of supporting this line. The Deputy-Chairman of the Company, Joseph Lobb, esq. addressed the meeting at great length in explanation of the details of the undertaking, after which a series of resolutions (which will be found in our advertising columns) in approval and support of the line were unanimously carried.