I RICHARD W. ATTREE, of Liss, in the County of Southampton, the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of the Waste Lands of the Manor of Petersfield, situate in the Parish of Petersfield, in the County of Southampton, hereby Give Notice,—That a Statement of all Claims received by me in the matter of the said Inclosure has been deposited at the Red Lion Hotel, Petersfield, in the said Parish, for the inspection of all persons interested in the said Inclosure.
And I further give notice that any objection to a Claim must be delivered in writing to me, and a copy of such objection must also be delivered at the place of abode of the Claimant or his Agent on or before the 9th day of August next.
Given under my hand this 7th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1857.
R. W. ATTREE, Valuer.