PETERSFIELD, Jan. 27.—Wheat, £16 to £19 per load; barley, 44s to 54s; oats, 30s to 35s; peas, 50s to 54s: beans, 50s to 56s per quarter. Bread, 1s 7d. Beef, 4s to 4s 8d; mutton, 4s 4d to 5s; veal, 4s 4d to 5s per stone.
PETERSFIELD, Jan. 27.—Wheat, £16 to £19 per load; barley, 44s to 54s; oats, 30s to 35s; peas, 50s to 54s: beans, 50s to 56s per quarter. Bread, 1s 7d. Beef, 4s to 4s 8d; mutton, 4s 4d to 5s; veal, 4s 4d to 5s per stone.