Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     NATIONAL SCHOOLS.—Sermons were preached in our church, on Sunday last, in aid of these schools; in the morning by the Rev. J. M. Sumner, in the afternoon by the Rev. T. Field, and in the evening by the Rev. M. A. Smelt. The collections amounted together to nearly 19l. These schools are in a high state of efficiency, and the number of children is steadily increasing. When the present spacious and commodious buildings were erected, in 1854, every body thought that ample provision had been made for many years to come, but so much have the schools increased that it is found necessary to relieve the pressure by enlarging the building: this is proposed to be done by erecting a new infants’ school-room, and appropriating the present one to the purposes of a class-room. The appeal for funds for this purpose has, we hear, been liberally responded to by the public. The plans for the building have, within the last few days, been submitted to the Committee of Council on Education, and it is expected the work will shortly be commenced.