At the Petty Sessions, held at the Town-hall on Tuesday before the Hon. J. J. Carnegie, Sir J. C. Jervoise, J. H. Waddington, Esq., J. Martenneo, Esq., and G. Forbes, Esq.,

・Henry Courtney was charged with stealing a tame rabbit, the property of Henry Carpenter, of Rowland’s Castle, and sentenced to three weeks’ imprisonment.
・Alfred Chandler, Timothy Chandler, and Henry Cook, were brought before J. B. Carter and J. H. Waddington, Esqs., on the 19th ult., charged with assaulting and beating Abraham Banbury, a stone mason, now working on the new mansion in the course of erection for J. B. Carter, Esq. The evidence was not sufficient against the two Chandlers, and they were liberated; but Cook was committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions. (See also 19-Nov-1857)
・On the 25th ult., John Dole was brought before J. B. Carter, Esq., on a remand, on suspicion of having some stolen property in his possession. It appeared that Superintendent Fey was on duty the day previous on Boyer’s Common, near Sheet, when he saw the prisoner and in answer to questions put to him, he (the Superintendent) immediately discovered that his story was not correct, and at once took him into custody. It has since been ascertained that a robbery was committed at the Crown Inn, at Batchett, Surrey, on Monday night, the 23rd ult., and four coats, which were found in the prisoner’s possession, were a part of the produce of the robbery. Dole expressed his regret at walking so far during Monday night, and to his being ‟nabbed” so soon on Tuesday morning; and said there was no chance of escape because of the d⎯d policemen. He has been handed over to the police in Surrey for the evidence to be taken against him at Farnham. (See also 03-Dec-1857)