PETERSFIELD PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday.—Present: Mr. G. Forbes (chairman), Sir J. Clarke Jervoise, Bart., M.P., Mr. J. H. Waddington, and Mr. J. Waddington.
Robbing a Sweet Shop.—Eli Croucher was brought up in custody charged with stealing, on the 5th inst., a bottle of sweets, the property of Ann White, in Sheep-street, Petersfield. Committed to the sessions.
Transfers.—This being the day for the transfer of licenses, that of the Flying Bull, at Rake, was transferred from Isaac Longley to John Glaysher; the Crown, Petersfield, from John Wetherspoon to James Stubbington, jun; and that of the Old Drum, from Emma Brown to John Carter. The latter transfer was merely pro forma, and arose from Mr. Carter having recently married Mrs. Brown.
Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 14 December 1861
Agent—Mr. G. Duplock
PETTY SESSIONS.—Tuesday.—Present: G. Forbes, Esq., (Chairman) J. H. Waddington, Esq., J. Waddington, Esq., and Sir J. C. Jervoise, Bart.
Eliza Croucher was brought up in custody charged with stealing, on the 5th inst., a bottle of sweets, the property of Ann White, of Sheep-street, Petersfield. Benjamin Tigg deposed: I saw the prisoner take out a pane of glass in Mrs. Parr’s window, with his knife; he then put his arm through and took out a bottle of sweets and put it down on the drain; he put the pane of glass in again, and then took up the bottle and out it under his frock, and went away. Corroborative evidence was given, and the prisoner, who declined to say anything, was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions. His father was bound in the sum of 10l. for his appearance.
William Bluden, charged with night poaching, was brought up an remanded till Friday (yesterday)
John Madgwick was sworn in as a member of the 12th Hants Rifle Volunteer Corps.
This being the transfer of licenses, that of the Flying Bull, at Rake, was transferred from Isaac Longley to John Glaisher; the Crown, Petersfield, from John Wetherspoon to James Stubbington, jun.; and that of the Old Drum, from Emma Brown to John Carter, this transfer was merely pro forma, and arose from Mr. Carter having recently married Mrs. Brown.