PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday, the 26th inst. —Present: Hon. J. J. Carnegie (Chairman), J. H. Waddington, J. Martineau, and G. Forbes, Esqrs.

—   Benjamin Fitt was charged with keeping open his house (the Cricketers, at Passfield,) for the sale of beer, after the hours allowed by the statute on Sunday, the 17th Inst. Summons dismissed. 

— CHARGE OF STEALING A GOOSE—Two soldiers, named Thomas Harrington and Charles Fowler, from Woolmer camp, were brought up on remand, charged with stealing a goose, belonging to Mr. Isaac Moss, of the Forest Fly beershop, at Griggs Green. Prisoners were seen with two other soldiers, having a goose among them, at the time, and near the spot where a goose belonging to prosecutor had been missed, but in the absence of absolute proof of their guilt, the Bench gave them the benefit of the doubt and discharged them.