PETTY SESSIONS, JUNE 1.—Present Hon. J. J. Carnegie and G. Forbes, Esq.
— John Ewens, a deserter from the Grenadier Guards, was committed to Winchester gaol to await orders from the War Office.
— Thomas Hoar, 17, apprentice to Mr. Barnes, harness maker, Petersfield, was charged with stealing on the 22nd ult., a pair of leather straps value 4d., the property of his master. Prisoner elected to be tried by the magistrates and pleaded guilty. Mr. Barnes very kindly interceded for the boy, requesting the magistrates to deal leniently with the case—14 days’ imprisonment with hard labour.
— Eliza Searle, an inmate of the Union Workhouse, was charged by Mr. Henry Dollery, the master, with having on Sunday last grossly misconducted herself by singing indecent songs and using obscene language; the case was clearly proved, and it was stated by the Vice-chairman of the Board of Guardians (J. Mason, Esq.) that defendant’s general conduct was most infamous, that she was constantly being brought before the board for misbehaviour, and was a general disturber of the order of the house. The magistrates sentenced her to 21 days’ imprisonment with hard labour.
— W. Gold, of Froxfield, aged 12, was charged with stealing a bavin, value 2d. from Floud Wood, the property of J. Greenwood, Esq. It appeared in evidence that an intimation had been given to the boy that if he would go to Mr. Greenwood and ask his pardon he might be forgiven; this he had not done, and hence the present proceedings. The boy’s mother stated that Mr. Greenwood had been from home, and she was not aware that he had returned, or she would have taken the boy to him. Discharged with a caution.
— John Draper, a navvy, employed on the railway at Liss, was charged with assaulting Mr. John Baker Hearsay, on Tuesday, the 25th. ult., and fined 1s. and 7s. 6d. costs.
— Mr. James Bennett, overseer of Hawkley, applied for a warrant for the apprehension of William Norris, who had absconded, leaving an illegitimate child of his wife chargeable to the parish, which was granted.
— Alfred Mitchell, who had given himself up as a deserter from the Royal George, was remanded to Thursday to await the reply of the Admiralty to Mr. Superintendent Fey’s communication on the subject.
— Mr. Superintendent Fey applied for a remand in the case of William Elleret, a tramp, who had been taken into custody in the neighbourhood of Liphook, having in his possession sundry articles for which he could not account. Remanded to Monday next.
— The license of the ‟Red Lion,” Chalton, was transferred to Mr. John Simms.