PETERSFIELD PETTY SESSIONS, Town Hall.—Present: J. J. Waddington, Esq., R. Steel, Esq., and Sir A. C. McDonald.
SERIOUS CHARGE.—Eliza Edwards was brought up in custody charged with stealing one fourpenny piece and a post-office order from a letter issued from the Horndean post-office. There being no instructions to prosecute from the General Post Office, she was discharged.
BASTARDY.—James Buss, of Steep, was charged by Elizabeth Cook with being the father her bastard child. Ordered to pay 1s. 6d. per week.
INQUEST.—An inquest was held on Tuesday at the Blue Bell, at Liss, on the bodies of Henry Turner and Emma Turner, before C. B. Longcroft, Esq. From the evidence of several witnesses, including Mr. H. Pesket, the surgeon, it appeared the deceaseds died from ‟Natural causes.” Verdict accordingly.