PETERSFIELD PETTY SESSIONS.—Present; J. J. Carnegie, and G. Forbes, Esq.

—WILLIAM BAYLEY, of Sheet, grocer, appeared to an information laid by Supt. Fey, Inspector of Weights and Measures, for having in his shop one weighing machine, being ¼-oz. against the purchaser, and seven weights which were unjust. The case assumed rather a bad feature, as there was a piece of window lead bent round the machine underneath the scale unperceivable, which caused the above named weight to be against the poor and needy.—Fined £2 and costs.
—GEORGE AMEY, of Steep, appeared to a summons, charged with damaging a fence, the property of Richard Hall, to the value of 2d. The case being proved, he was fined the damage and costs.
—JOHN BRIDGE, of Bramshot, was charged, on the information of Edward Gosden, for taking eleven partridge’s eggs, from a nest, on the 20th inst., from a field in the occupation of Mr. Chalcroft, in the same parish.—Fined 1d. per egg and costs.
—A railway labourer, answering to the name of THOMAS FOOT, was brought up in custody of superintendent Fey, charged with stealing two silk handkerchiefs and one slop, from George Sun, Finchdean. By the evidence it appeared that the prisoner slept there on the night of the 16th, and got up in the morning and took the above-named articles. They were soon afterwards missed by the landlady, when the landlord went in pursuit, and at Mr. Barnes’, at Havant, they found them sold. Information was given to the police, and every exertion was made to apprehend the thief, but without avail. On Monday, as one of the railway men was at the Hospital, near Southampton, now building, he was recognised, and was given into custody. Some questions were put to him when he said he should not have done it only he was hard up.—Committed for 21 days.
—Wm. Feast, was charged with being on a Down, near Horndean, on the 16th last month, in search of rabbits.—Fined 7s. 6d. and costs. Not being able to pay was committed for 21 days.