PETITIONS were presented by Mr. Gilpin, from inhabitants of Northampton and Birmingham, praying that the Government monopoly of, and connected with, the opium trade, may cease, and the growth of opium in India be restricted to medicinal purposes only; by Mr. W. J. Fox, from inhabitants of Oldham, for manhood suffrage, vote by ballot, annual Parliaments, payment of members, and equal electoral districts; by Mr. M. Gibson, from a meeting at Exeter Hall, in favour of a repeal of the paper duty; by Sir W. H. Jolliffe, from the Independent Congregation of Dissenters at Petersfield, praying that they may not be excluded by the Court of Chancery from acting as trustees to certain schools; Mr. R. N. Phillips, from Protestant Dissenters of the Presbyterian Chapel, Stourbridge, praying that Dissenters may be eligible for the management of trust funds, unless expressly excluded by the founders; and from the Congregations of Styal Chapel, Wilmslow, and Dean-row Chapel, Wilmslow, for the repeal of all disabilities, and that Dissenters may be placed on a footing of equality with Churchmen in reference to schools endowed for educational purposes; by Mr. Cox, from inhabitants of Westminster, for vole by ballot, short Parliaments, a just apportionment of electors to representatives, and for registered manhood suffrage; from the electors of Finsbury to the same effect, and for the repeal of the Expenses of Elections Bill.