PETTY SESSIONS, Saturday 4th.—Present: G. Barttelot, Esq., chairman; W. H. Yaldwyn, Esq., W. Peachey, Esq., J. L. Ellis, Esq., and —— Robinson, Esq., (the latter appeared for the first time since he was qualified.) 

     IMPORTANT TO TOLL COLLECTORS.—Mr. Munday, a person of Heath Farm, Petersfield, who travels with a steam thrashing machine, appeared to complain against Thomas Cooper, toll keeper of the Northchapel turnpike gate, whom he had summoned for charging him with the toll for the steam engine belonging to his thrashing machine. 

     Mr. Albery, of Midhurst, appeared for the defendant, and admitted the charge. He contended that the charge was a legal one, for although the act of parliament exempted thrashing machines, it did not follow that the steam-engine, which was a separate thing, was also exempted; the machine might be worked by other power, and the steam engine used for other purposes. 

     The Magistrates having consulted, said they considered the steam engine as part and parcel of the thrashing machine; they were both used together, although travelling separately, and therefore exempt from toll, they should order the toll to be refunded, but presuming Mr. Munday’s object would be obtained by this they would not inflict any fine. 

     The complainant said he was perfectly satisfied.