PIGEON SHOOTING.—Some very excellent matches at pigeon shooting came off on the common near the ‟Half Moon Inn,” on the Petersfield-road, on Tuesday last, the grand prize that was competed for, being a rifle valued at eight guineas. The contending parties were eight of such as were considered the best shots in this part of the country, viz., Messrs. Randall, Puttick, Farley, two Powells, Cooper, Hayllar, and Rook. The shooting commenced at two o’clock, at five birds each, 21 yards rise, and the charge of shot was limited to one ounce and a half. Puttick who killed all his birds in good style, and was the only one who did so, became the fortunate possessor of the rifle. The second match, which was for a sovereign aside, was between Messrs. Randall and Puttick on the one side, and Hayllar and Rook on the other, at two birds each, the latter winning by killing all their birds. Subsequently a sweepstakes of half a sovereign each was shot for at five birds each, by Messrs. Randall, Puttick, Austin, Farley, Hooker, Rook, and Powell, which, as we understand, terminated in a tie match between the two first named.