Portsmouth Railway Company.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a CALL has been made upon the share capital of this Company of £1 per share, payable on or before Friday, the 15th day of January next, to one of the undermentioned Banks, viz. :—Messrs. Williams, Deacon and Co., Birchin-lane, London, for the West Surrey Bank; the London and Westminster Bank, Lothbury, London; the West Surrey Bank, Guildford, and Godalming; the London and County Bank, Petersfield; Grant, Gillman, and Long, Portsmouth. In the event of default in payment Interest at the minimum bank rate, for the time being, will be charged in respect of the period during which such Call shall be due, and unpaid.
By order, G. W. HORN, Secretary.
Offices, 26, Great George-street, Westminster,
Dec. 10, 1857.