Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Feb. 6.
‘Notwithstanding the mild Measures taken by the Government to prevent the Desertion of the French Prisoners who have been indulged with their Parole of Honour, an effectual stop has not yet been put to it; two are lately gone from Petersfield; and four Lieutenants at Waltham had plann’d, and partly effected their Escape. Two were retaken at Alton, and the other two were stopp’d before they could get out of Waltham, and are all committed to Portchester Castle. A travelling Jew, who was their Conductor, is secur’d.
‘Mons. Rene Brisson, second Captain of the Prince de Soubise, (whose Desertion, and Return to England by Order of the French Court, has been already mention’d) made another Attempt for his Liberty. On Thursday last he with the Captain of a little Privateer of Dunkirk, found Means to bribe some of the Centinels at Portchester to favour their Escape; but as their Design was known to some of the Prisoners in the Castle, they communicated it to other Soldiers, who posted themselves at a proper Distance from, and out of Sight of those who had promised to render this Piece of Service to Brisson and his Friend, and in five Minutes after they descended the Wall; seized, and safely reconveyed them to the Castle. One Connor, who used to ride with the London Mail, and has been committed to Winchester Goal ever since the 20th September, is to take his Trial at the approaching Assizes, for assisting Brisson in his first Escape.’