(Extension of Line from Petersfield to Southampton and Bishopstoke. Powers to Petersfield Railway Company to raise additional Capital and to alter name of Company. Joint Stations at Southampton and Midhurst. Working Arrangements. Amendment of Acts.)
NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session for an Act for making and maintaining the Railways hereinafter mentioned, with all proper and necessary stations, works, approaches, and conveniences connected therewith; that is to say:—
No. 1 Line.—A Railway commencing by a Junction with the authorised line of the Petersfield Railway (Act 1860), in the Tything of Sheet, Parish of Petersfield, in the County of Southampton, at or near the point where the said Petersfield Railway crosses the Turnpike Road, Numbered 15 on the Parliamentary Plan of the aforesaid Railway, thence passing from, through, or into or situate within the several parishes, townships, town lands, or extra-parochial or other places following, or some of them, (that is to say) Tything of Sheet, Petersfield, Buriton East Meon, West Meon, Warnford, Exton, Meon Stoke, Corhampton, Droxford, Soberton, and Bishop’s Waltham, all in the County of Southampton, and terminating at a point on the Easterly side of the field called ‟Red Hill,” belonging to Arthur Helps, and in the occupation of Thomas Pratt, which said field is bounded at its North-easterly corner on the East by lands belonging to George Bond, Edward Wyatt, and by the Executors of T. Colpas, and on the North by an occupation Road, called ‟Pratt’s Pit,” in the Parish of Bishop’s Waltham, in the said County of Southampton.
No. 2 Line.—A Railway commencing by a Junction with the proposed first mentioned line in the said Parish of Bishop’s Waltham, in the said County of Southampton, thence passing from, through, or into, or situate within the several parishes, townships, town lands, or extra-parochial or other places following, or some of them (that is to say)—Bishop’s Waltham, Bishopstoke, Durley, Upham, Botley, North Stoneham, South Stoneham, Millbrook, Southampton Common, Portswood Tithing, Pollack Tithing, Allington Tithing, Southampton, Southampton Water Foreshore and Midlands, St. John (Southampton), St. Mary (Southampton), All Saints (Southampton), St. Michael (Southampton), and Holy Rood (Southampton), and terminating at or near and to the westward of the Entrance Gate of the Royal Pier, at Southampton, in the Parish of St. Michael, in the Town and County of the Town of Southampton.
No. 3 Line.—A Railway commencing by a Junction with the proposed first mentioned line in the said Parish of Bishop’s Waltham, in the said County of Southampton, thence passing from, through, or into, or situate within the several parishes, townships, town lands, or extra-parochial or other places following, or some of them (that is to say)—Bishop’s Waltham, Durley, Botley, North Stoneham, South Stoneham, Upham, and Bishopstoke, all in the County of Southampton, and terminating by a junction with the Gosport Branch of the London and South-Western Railway at a point about 60 yards to the southward of the south end of the Ticket Platform, called the Portsmouth Ticket Platform, adjoining the Bishopstoke Station of the London and South-Western Railway Company, in the Parish of South Stoneham, in the County of Southampton.
And in the said intended Act the following powers, or some of them, will be taken (that is to say)—To stop up, cross, divert, or alter, either temporarily or permanently, any Turnpike or other Roads, Streets, Highways, Bridges, Footpaths, Ways and Right of Way, Railways, Tramways, Canals, Aqueducts, Rivers, Navigations, Streams, Pipes, Sewers, Drains, and Watercourses within the Parishes, Townships, Townlands, and Extra-Parochial or other places, or any of them, which it may be necessary to stop up, cross, divert, or alter, for the purposes of the said intended Railways and other Works, or other the purposes of the proposed Act.
To purchase, by compulsion or otherwise, Lands or Houses for the purposes of the said intended Railways and Works, or any of them, and to alter, vary, or extinguish all existing Rights and Privileges connected with such Lands and Houses, or which would in any manner interfere with the construction, maintenance, and use of the said proposed Railways and Works, or any of them, and to confer other rights and privileges.
To levy Tolls, Rates, and Duties for or in respect of the said proposed Railways and Works, and confer such exemptions from the payment of such Tolls, Rates, and Duties as may be deemed expedient.
To enable The Petersfield Railway Company, The Andover and Redbridge Railway Company, and the Great Western Railway Company to make and maintain a Joint Station at Southampton, and respectively to contribute out of their proper funds for such purpose, or to enable the Petersfield Railway Company, to use for the purposes of their traffic, the Southampton Station, or part thereof, of the said Andover and Redbridge Railway Company, and the Great Western Railway Company, and the offices, buildings, and conveniences connected therewith; and to employ their own officers and servants, or the officers and servants of the said Companies, for such rent and tolls or other consideration, and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the respective Companies, or failing such agreement as may be settled by Arbitration or be prescribed by the said intended Act.
To enable The Petersfield Railway Company, The Andover and Redbridge Railway Company, the Great Western Railway Company, and the London and South-Western Railway Company to enter into contracts, or agreements and arrangements with respect to the construction, working, and using of the before mentioned Railways and Works, and for the regulation, management, and transmission of the traffic thereon, and the supply and maintenance of engines, stock, and plant; also for the collection, division, and appropriation of the tolls and profits arising therefrom, the payments and contributions to be made by either of such Companys to the other of them, and the employment of officers and servants.
To enable The Petersfield Railway Company to change their corporate name and to enable the said Company and the Andover and Redbridge Railway Company, and the Great Western Railway Company to extend their Capital by the creation of shares, and with or without a priority or priviledge in the payment of Dividends, or otherwise, as may be deemed expedient for carrying into effect all or any of the purposes aforesaid.
To enable The Petersfield Railway Company to contribute or subscribe to the Mid-Sussex and Midhurst Junction Railway Company, and to enter into arrangements with such Company for the joint construction and use of a Station at Midhurst, and to raise money for such a purpose.
And it is intended so far as may be necessary for the aforesaid purposes to repeal and amend the provisions or some of them of the several Acts following (that is to say):—The Petersfield Railway Act, 1860; the Petersfield Railway Deviation Act, 1861; the Local and Personal Acts relating to the Direct London and Portsmouth Railway (namely),: 9 and 10 Victoria, chapter 83; 10 and 11 Victoria, chap. 187; the Portsmouth Railway Amendment Act, 1855; the Portsmouth Railway Amendment Act, 1857; the Portsmouth Railway Amendment Act, 1858; and the London and South-Western Railway and Portsmouth Railway Amalgamation Act, 1859; and also the Local and Personal Acts relating to the London and South-Western Railway Company, …
And it is intended to incorporate with such intended Act, subject to such alterations as may be deemed needful, ‟The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845,” ‟The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845,” and ‟The Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845.”
And Notice is hereby also given that duplicate plans and sections of the said intended Railways and Works and of the lands and houses proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof, together with books of reference to such plans containing the names of the Owners or reputed Owners, Lessees or reputed Lessees, and occupiers of such lands and houses, and a published Map showing the general course and direction of the said Railways, and also a copy of this Notice as published on the London Gazette, will on or before the 30th day of November instant, be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Southampton, at his office at Winchester, in the said County, and with the Clerk of the Peace for the Town and County of the Town of Southampton, at his office at Southampton, and that a copy of so much of the said Plans, Sections, and Books of Reference as relates to each of the parishes in or through which the said intended Railways and Works are intended to be made, together with a copy of the said Gazette Notice, will, on or before the said 30th day of November instant, be deposited with the Parish Clerks of those parishes respectively at their respective residences, and in the case of any extra-parochial place with the Parish Clerk of some adjoining parish, at his place of abode.
And Notice is also hereby given, that copies of the said proposed Act for carrying out the said Undertaking will, on or before the 23rd day of December next, be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons.
Dated this 14th day of November, 1861.
HENRY CARNSEW, 41, Parliament-street, Westminster.