Windsor, Tuesday evening.
The Queen of Portugal and the Duchess of Braganza left Portsmouth, as stated above, at 10 o'clock this morning, in three carriages and four, with their suite, and accompanied by the Marquis de Funchal and Sir J Whateley, who had been ordered by the King to attend upon his Majesty's illustrious visitors. They proceeded at a tolerably rapid rate through Petersfield, Godalming, Guildford, and Bagshot. In each of those towns, and indeed in all the villages along the line of road, the young Queen was received with marked demonstrations of sympathy and regard by the inhabitants, who had collected in crowds to see her. In the pretty little town of Chertsey, which is situated in the most direct road from Guildford to Windsor, and through which her Majesty was expected to pass, great preparations had been made to give her a most distinguished reception. Her Majesty, during a former visit to England, had spent a considerable portion of her youthful days in the neighbourhood of Chertsey, and the inhabitants were therefore doubly anxious to testify the joy that the success of the cause with which her Majesty's name is identified.