DIRECT LONDON AND PORTSMOUTH.— The first general meeting was held yesterday at the London Tavern. W. A. Wilkinson, Esq., in the chair. The directors' report stated that an agreement for an amalgamation with the Brighton and South Coast Railway would be submitted to the meeting. The reasons for entering into this arrangement are :—From Havant to Portsmouth (7 miles), the Coast Line and the Direct Portsmouth run parallel to each other to a common terminus; an amalgamation has always been contemplated with the Croydon Company, original proprietors of the line from the Greenwich Railway to Epsom, and part proprietors of the metropolitan stations; the Brighton and Croydon Companies agreed last autumn to amalgamate. The directors also informed the proprietors that an advantageous arrangement had been made with the Reading and Reigate Company, by which they are to use a portion of the Direct Portsmouth line between Dorking and Ganshall, paying a toll calculated as for seven miles. The entire line is in the course of being set out by the engineers, and the solicitors have instructions to purchase the land as speedily as possible. The company’s engineer has been instructed to survey the district between Portsmouth and Petersfield, at Southampton, with a view to take up the line originally contemplated by an independent company next session. As the arrangement with the Brighton and South Coast determines the value of the undertaking, the directors did not enter upon the future prospects of the company. The accounts showed a balance in hand of 43,600l. 0s. 7d. The report was adopted, and the amalgamation sanctioned. The meeting voted 1,200l. to the directors for past services, and 1,200l. for their future services till the amalgamation shall be completed.