PETERSFIELD.]—SAVINGS’ BANK—The recent failure of the Bilston Savings’ Bank, under the management of the Rev. H. S. Fletcher during the past thirty-six years, has alarmed the timid in this locality, more especially the Savings’ Bank depositors. But to allay this anxiety, we beg to remind the public, that for the better security of depositors, a Savings’ Bank has been opened at the Petersfield Post Office, during the past month, at which all depositors get direct Government security for their deposits. Also they can at any time within a few days draw out the whole or part of their deposits, free of charge; depositors in old savings banks, by applying to the trustees for certificates, will be enabled to transfer their money to the Post Office Savings banks. Certificates are granted purposely under the 10th clause of the Act 24th. Victoria cap. 14., and are receivable as cash at any Post Office savings bank. We especially invite the public generally to peruse that invaluable monthly publication, the British Workman for this month, wherein there are twelve reasons for putting your money into the Post Office Savings Bank. It is well also to remind the public that the most strict secrecy is observed; also if postmasters become defaulters in any way whatever, government is liable to all depositors for their full amounts.