NOTICE is Hereby Given, that TENDERS will be received at my Office, High-street, Petersfield on or before the 25th Instant, for CONTRACTS for FINISHING, ROCKING, and GRAVELLING about Forty Chains Chains of PUBLIC ROAD on Petersfield, and for Building a Brick Culvert, Cutting several Ditches, Filling in and Levelling open Trench, and for Fencing Garden and Public Allotments.
Plans and specifications are deposited at Bishearne House, Liss, and may be inspected from Ten in the Morning till Four o’clock in the Afternoon each day, Sundays excepted.
Tenders to be delivered sealed. The Valuer does not bind himself to receive the lowest or any Tender.
Given under my hand this 10th day of August, 1857.
R. W. ATTREE, Valuer.