Public Works. —Mr. M. PORTAL read the report of the Committee of Public Works, which stated that the militia stores for the Isle of Wight were completed to the satisfaction of the county surveyor, and at a cost not exceeding the contract. The premises were now occupied by the Isle of Wight Militia Artillery, who took possession on the 21st of September last. The alteration and repairs to the several police stations, recommended by the Government Inspector in his report, which was laid upon the table of the Court at the last sessions, had for the most part been completed, and at a trifling cost. An eligible site for a police station had been offered at Basingstoke in a most convenient part of the town, for the sum of £500. This did not appear to the committee to be an excessive price, as there was a good house on the premises, which would be available for the residence of the superintendent, and the committee recommended the Court to agree to the purchase of the same, upon a good title being shewn. They had prepared plans for this station, which had been approved by the Secretary of State, which they now laid upon the table, and recommended for adoption. A good site for a police station at Petersfield having been offered by Sir Wm. Jolliffe, for the sum of £100, the committee recommended the Court to agree to the purchase. They also recommended the Court to agree to the purchase of a site at Droxford, which had been approved by the Chief Constable, and had been offered to the county for £170. The report was ordered to be received, and the Committee were re-appointed.