THE SMALL BOROUGHS TO BE ENLARGED. — Lord John Russell, in propounding his measure of representative reform on Monday evening, stated that it was proposed to add to all the boroughs which have less than 500 electors small towns not now represented, so as to augment the constituencies; and his lordship added that the number of boroughs to which this principle would be applied was 67. The Premier did not name the boroughs, nor have we seen any list of them; but we have taken from Dod's Parliamentary Companion for 1852 all the boroughs there stated to have fewer than 500 registered electors, and we append this list : —
Electors | Electors | |||
Abingdon, Berks. | 314 | Liskeard, Cornwall | 324 | |
Andover, Hants. | 252 | Ludlow, Shropshire | 446 | |
Arundel, Sussex | 202 | Lyme Regis, Dorset | 317 | |
Ashburton, Devon | 246 | Lymington, Hants. | 287 | |
Beaumaris, Wales | 415 | Malmesbury, Wilts. | 316 | |
Bewdley, Worcester | 375 | Marlborough, Wilts. | 254 | |
Brecknock, Wales | 345 | Marlow Great, Bucks | 357 | |
Buckingham borough | 376 | Midhurst, Sussex | 301 | |
Calne, Wilts. | 159 | Morpeth, Northumbd. | 421 | |
Chippenham, Wilts. | 314 | Northallerton, Yorksh. | 282 | |
Christchurch, Hants. | 305 | Petersfield, Hants. | 358 | |
Cirencester, Gloucester | 467 | Poole, Dorset | 498 | |
Clitheroe, Lancashire | 471 | Radnor district | 487 | |
Cockermouth, Cumberld. | 332 | Reigate, Surrey | 213 | |
Dartmouth, Devon | 312 | Richmond, Yorkshire | 262 | |
Devizes, Wilts. | 358 | Ripon, Yorkshire | 365 | |
Dorchester, Dorset | 427 | Tamworth, Stafford. | 396 | |
Droitwich, Worcester. | 338 | Tavistock, Devon | 336 | |
Evesham, Worcester. | 352 | Tewkesbury, Gloucester | 378 | |
Eye, Suffolk | 351 | Thetford, Norfolk | 210 | |
Frome, Somerset | 401 | Thirsk, Yorkshire | 345 | |
Harwich, Essex | 272 | Tiverton, Devon | 443 | |
Helstone, Cornwall | 335 | Totness, Devon | 362 | |
Honiton, Devon | 240 | Wallingford, Berks. | 419 | |
Horsham, Sussex | 346 | Wareham, Dorset | 403 | |
Huntingdon borough | 405 | Wells, Somerset | 381 | |
Kendal, Westmoreland | 385 | Westbury, Wilts. | 310 | |
Kidderminster, Worcstr. | 470 | Whitby, Yorkshire | 448 | |
Knaresbro’, Yorkshire | 230 | Wilton, Wilts. | 208 | |
Launceston, Cornwall | 367 | Woodstock, Oxfordshire | 362 | |
Leominster, Hereford | 428 | WycombeChippg., Bucks | 346 |
These only amount to 62; but the following five boroughs so little exceed the number of 500 electors each, as stated by Dod, that it is not at all improbable that they have now actually fewer than that number of electors, and thus they would make up the 67 of the Premier:—
Electors | |
Bridgewater, Somerset | 508 |
Malton, Yorkshire | 522 |
Shaftesbury, Dorset | 514 |
St. Alban’s | 504 |
Whitehaven, Cumberland | 529 |
It will be seen that only one Lancashire borough (Clitheroe) is likely to be included in the list of those that are to have their constituencies augmented by the annexation of other places; while Wiltshire has seven boroughs in the list, and Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Sussex, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall, have each several boroughs in the list.—Manchester Paper.