I RICHARD WAKEFORD ATTREE, of 8, Cannon Row, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of so much of the waste lands of the Manor of Eastmeon as are situate in the parish of Steep in the county of Southampton, hereby give notice that a certain Footpath leading from a stile in the southern fence of allotment numbered 36, on part 1 of the map of this inclosure, and proceeding thence in a northeasterly direction over the allotments numbered 36 and 35, on the said map to and across the private occupation road numbered 11. on the said map, and continuing thence in a northeasterly direction over the allotments. numbered respectively 21, 22,12, 11, and 10, on the said map to the public road leading from Petersfield to Ridge Common is intended to be stopped up.

     And another Footpath leading from the said stile along the northern side of the southern fence of the said allotment numbered 36, to the southwestern corner of the said allotment, and proceeding thence in a northerly direction along the eastern side of the western fence of the said allotment numbered 36, to the southeastern angle of the allotment numbered 18 on the said map, and proceeding thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern sides of the western fences of the allotments numbered respectively 18, 17, and 1, on the said map, to and terminating at Rothercombe Farm, is intended to be stopped up between the point where it enters the said allotment numbered 18, and the said Rothercombe Farm, the remaining portion thereof being diverted to pass from, the said southeastern angle of the allotment numbered 18, proceeding in a northerly direction along the western side of the eastern fences of the allotments numbered 18 and 16 on the said map, to and terminating at the private occupation road numbered I. on the said map. And all roads, roadways, or footpaths not set out upon the maps of the lands, the subject of this inclosure, will be extinguished and stopped up from and after the first day of October next.

     Given under my hand this Twenty-third day of May, in the year of Lord 1860.

R. W. ATTREE, Valuer.