I RICHARD WAKEFORD ATTREE, of Liss, in the county of Southampton, the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of Steep Commons and Waste Lands, situate in the parish of Steep, in the county of Southampton, hereby give Notice, that a PUBLIC FOOTWAY, commencing at or near a certain place called and known as Dunhill Green, and leading across certain old Inclosures, numbered on the Tithe Map of the parish of Steep as follows :— Nos. 35, 33, 34, 22, 21, 20, are intended to be STOPPED UP and DISCONTINUED, and, in lieu thereof, to be altered, diverted, and carried over and through the following old Inclosures, viz., commencing at or near a certain place called and known as Dunhill Green, and leading across 48, 49, 34, 23, and 22, to Church Common, from and after 25th day of December next.

     Given under my hand this 10th day of August, in the year of our Lord 1857.

R. W. ATTREE, Valuer.