G E N E R A L H U E A N D C R Y.
From the POLICE.—Public Office, Bow Street, London, August 8, 1777.
STOLEN — from Horn Farm, near Petersfield, Hants, on Saturday night, the 26th of July last, a Black Gelding, full aged, fifteen hands high, between the coach and cart kind, a swish tail, a large star in his forehead, a white foot behind, crooked made in his hind quarters, his hair worn off in different places by drawing, and is lowish in flesh.
Whoever will give information of the above Gelding to Mr. Leaf, of Horn Farm aforesaid, or to the above office, so that he may be had again, and the offenders brought to justice, shall receive Two Guineas Reward.
STOPT, supposed to be stolen, A Bay Mare, full aged, near 15 hands high, black mane, and tail, a blazed down her face, which inclines to the near nostril; two small white spots on the near side, four white legs, a scar on the near heel behind, two pitch marks on the hind quarters, but partly scratched off; one pitch mark on the near side under the belly, with a nick’d tail, lately cut.
The owner is desired to apply immediately to the above Office, or to F. Hugonin, Esq; at Nursted, near Petersfield, Hants.