Agent—Miss Duplock.
STORMS.—We mentioned last week an extraordinary hailstorm which passed over this town on Tuesday and did extensive damage, since which we have been more than once literally inundated. On Saturday last, the High-street presented such a scene as had scarcely ever been witnessed before, even that notable person the ‟oldest inhabitant,” the entire breadth of the roadway being for a considerable distance completely under water. At Froxfield several houses were flooded to a considerable depth, among others the residence of R. Steele, Esq., at Week Green, where, owing to the stoppage of a drain, the water rushed through the garden with great force in the direction of a window opening from the parlour to the lawn, and having caught in its course an empty cask which happened to be lying in the garden, floated it with such violence against the window as to force in the sash, when the torrent rushed through, bearing with it the cask and dashing it against tables, chairs, &c. Mr. Steele was seated alone in the room at the time of this sudden irruption, and of course lost no time in giving the torrent egress at the door, but before he could do so the room was flooded more than knee deep. The furniture was of course much injured, and we are sorry to learn that several scarce and valuable books were seriously damaged, but we are authorized to state that some exaggerated rumours which were afloat of injury to the foundations of the house, are wholly destitute of truth.