TENANT RIGHT.—Petitions in favour of Mr. Pusey's bill are being extensively prepared and signed in various rural districts. The following places have "pronounced" in favour of the proposed law :—Plympton, Devon; Reigate, Surrey; Rewe, Devon; Baldock, Herts; Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire; Devizes, Wilts; Newberry, Berks; Norton, near Sheffield; Isle of Thanet, Kent; Chelmsford, Essex; Petersfield, Hants; Richmond, Yorkshire; Waltham, Leicestershire; Peterboro', Northamptonshire; Greenford, Middlesex; Beccles, Suffolk ; and Sandridge, Herts. The petition from Devizes and the neighbourhood has had the signatures of farmers occupying upwards of sixty-four thousand acres of land attached to it in one day. A petition from Rutlandshire obtained signatures by the holders of upwards of 14,000 acres of land in less than three hours. An address from the North Petherton Farmers' Club, signed by 73 farmers, members of the club and others, has been forwarded to Mr. Pusey and Mr. Acland, expressing approval of tenant right, and giving it as their opinion "that it will tend to promote improvement of the land, and to increase the demand for agricultural labour." At an adjourned meeting of the Carlton-on-Trent Farmers' Club, on the 17th inst., for the consideration of the tenant right bill, it was unanimously resolved:
That the passing of the bill would impart that degree of confidence (at present not entertained by a large majority of tenant farmers (at present not entertained by a large majority of tenant farmers respecting the outlay of capital) as would encourage to a very great extent the better cultivation of the arable land throughout the kingdom.