I, RICHARD WAKEFORD, ATTREE, of Bishearne House, Liss, in the County of Southampton, and 8, Cannon-row, in the City of Westminster, the Valuer acting in the Matter of the above Inclosure, hereby give Notice, that I am prepared to receive Tenders (in writing) for FORMING and MAKING the undermentioned ROADS, with all proper Drains, Culverts, Water Courses, &c.. To Form an Occupation Road or Drift Way from the South West Corner of Stroud Common to the Road leading from Petersfield to Winchester, as set out and coloured red on the Plans deposited; also to Form and Make a Road from the Road, leading to Ramsden over the said Stroud Common to a junction with the Road from Petersfield to Winchester, as set out and coloured red on the Plans deposited.
Plans and Specifications are deposited at the Offices of Messrs. Dunn, Hopkins, Blackmore, and Carter, Solicitors, Alresford; at the Valuer's Office, Petersfield, Hants, and 8, Cannon-row, in the City of Westminster, for inspection, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon (Sundays excepted). The Contractor or Contractors will be required to enter into and sign an Agreement, to be prepared by the Solicitors to the Inclosure, and approved by the Valuer, the cost of which will be paid by the Contractor, who must find Sureties (if required by the Valuer) for the due performance of his work, to the satisfaction of the Valuer or his Agents.
Sealed Tenders must be delivered at my Office, 8, Cannon-row, Westminster, on or before Saturday, 17th July, 1858. The Valuer does not bind himself to accept the lowest, or any Tender.
(Signed) R . W. ATTREE, Valuer.