NOTICE is hereby given,—That all Persons desirous of Contracting with the Board of Guardians of this Union for the SUPPLY of BREAD, FLOUR, MEAT, GROCERIES, WINES, SPIRITS, MALT, HOPS, and other articles of consumption for the Workhouse, and for BREAD for the POOR in either of the Districts forming this Union, during the Quarter commencing from the 26th day of December, 1861, and ending on the 27th day of March, 1862, are required to deliver sealed Tenders at the said Workhouse, before ten o’clock in the forenoon of Thursday the 19th December, 1861, accompanied with samples where practicable, addressed to ‟The Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Union House, Petersfield, Hants,” after which time no tender will be received; and all such tenders will be opened at a Meeting of the said Guardians, to be held at the said Workhouse on the last mentioned day. The Guardians are not bound to accept the lowest tenders given in; nor, in the event of there being only one person tendering for the supply of any particular kind of goods, are they bound to accept his tender.
Whenever the Guardians deem it advisable, the party whose tender is accepted shall find one or more surety or sureties, who shall enter into a bond, conditioned for the due performance of the Contract, or shall otherwise secure the same.—All tenders and contracts must be made upon printed forms, which may be obtained upon application to the Relieving Officers of the respective Districts, or the Master of the Workhouse; and no tender will be accepted unless properly filled up, and signed by the person tendering.—All articles supplied for out-relief must be paid for by the Relieving Officers weekly; all other Articles will be paid for within twenty-one days after the expiration of the contract.
☞ All Demands on the Union for goods supplied, or otherwise, previous to, or on the said 26th of December, 1861, must be delivered to me before, or on the 28th of December, 1861, otherwise they will not be discharged until after the 27th day of March, 1862. And all Contractors, Tradesmen, and other persons to whom money may be due from this Union on the said 26th of December, 1861, and who shall have delivered their accounts as above mentioned or the authorised agents of such Contractors, Tradesmen, and other persons respectively, may attend at the said Workhouse on the 2d day of January, 1862, at twelve o’clock at noon, and receive payment of their respective bills.
By order of the Board of Guardians,
Petersfield, Dec. 4, 1861.