THE LEAGUE IN SUSSEX.—The county of Sussex has been the scene of action of this indefatigable body during the past week, and the reception which its representatives everywhere met with was of the most satisfactory and cheering nature. On Tuesday, Mr. Sidney Smith addressed a very large and respectable assemblage of tenant farmers, labourers, and tradesmen, and even some influential landowners, in Mr. Cobden's native town of Midhurst. No building being large enough to accommodate the persons desirous to attend, the meeting was held in the marketplace, Mr. Smith addressing it from the parlour window of the Swan Inn. He was listened to with attention, and loudly cheered at the conclusion. On Wednesday he addressed the inhabitants of Petersfield, and nearly all the farmers who attended the market. The assembly room of the Dolphin was crowded on the occasion. On Thursday the Town-hall of Arundel was the scene of Mr. Smith's next meeting, where he spoke for nearly three hours, and at the conclusion was cheered for several minutes. The exertions of the week were concluded at the Temperance-hall of Worthing, on Friday evening, when several of the most respectable residents were present, and also some of the more distinguished summer visitors, amongst whom was the venerable and Rev. W. Jay, of Bath. It is the intention of the League to address the electors of Bramber, and to visit every town of importance in the county.

(See also